Fee Structure

Fee Structure

While keeping the fee structure of Cadet College Swat compatible with other renowned cadet colleges in the country, every effort is made to cater for the socio-economic conditions of the people of Malakand Division in particular and rest of the Pakistan in general. Like all other cadet colleges, these are revised periodically keeping in mind the existing price index in the market and continuous rise in inflation. Fee is received term wise. It has three academic terms; the fee is due before the start of the term. Students getting new admissions will pay admission fee, college development fund and security deposit (refundable) in addition to the regular expenses such as; the tuition fee & funds, hostel / messing, examination and medical charges for the first term.The details of Fee Structure are available on College Prospectus.

a. Admission Fee 20,000/-
b. College Development Fund 20,000/-
c. Security (Refundable) 10,000/-
Self-Finance Fee Rs. 100,000/- per year for self-finance cadets.

2. Detail of Fees (VIII-XII)

Monthly Fee

Rs. 25,468/-

Term Fee (4 months)

Rs. 101,872/-

Annual Fee(12 months)

Rs. 305,616/-

Monthly / Term fees is configured on the average. Fees is charged for the whole academic session i.e. 12 months of the year during an academic session.


In addition to the above, following expenses will be charged individually on actual consumption basis.
Clothing, Foot wear, Books & Stationery, Non-Educational Traveling, Personal postage, Photographs, movie etc.


Fee will be charged term wise in advance. For class-VIII, academic session starts from April and ends in March next year. For Class-XI, session starts from Jul and ends in Jun next year. Fees is increased @ 10% per annum. The fees may also be raised during the year depending upon the prices of the food items and services.


A period of 30 days from the date of dispatch shall be allowed for payment of dues. If dues are not paid by the due date, penalty for late payment charges is as under:

1. Rs 50/- per day for first 10 days
2. Rs 100/- per day for next 10 days
3. Rs 150/- per day for next 10 days
4. If the fee is not received within first 2 months of the term, cadet will be laible to
a. Suspension from the College till deposit of outstanding dues, the suspended students will be sent home
b. Struck off cadet’s name from the College rolls and withholding of documents/testimonials (original as well as photocopies) till final recovery of all outstanding dues
c. Withholding of Application/Admission process to other Colleges/Universities
d. Readmission after struck off, if approved by the competent authority, will be charged @ Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) in addition to outstanding dues.

Fee Rules

The fee should be paid through Bank Draft / Pay Orders or in cash. Cheques are not acceptable. Bank Draft / Pay Order should be in favor of “Principal, Cadet College Swat”. The cadet’s college Number, class and name should be mentioned in covering letter and on the Bank Draft / Pay Order.
Fee in cash will only be deposited with the Bursar or the Accountant and receipt to this effect be collected on the spot.
If the fee remains unpaid by the due date, a late fee will be charged. Any cadet whose fee is not paid within one month after due date, his name is liable to be struck off the College Roll and may only be re-admitted on payment of penalty, subject to the approval of the Principal.
No cadet will be allowed to appear in the Annual Board Examinations or for the Send-up / Pre-board examinations, unless his accounts have been settled in full by the date on which the examination begins.